Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Green Apples are Excellent source of Everything Healthy?

If you of apples like I do, that I’m sure your favorite kind of apple are the red ones.  I’m talking about the sweet ones right?  Yes they are top of my list but I also like the Granny Smith apples also known as the green apples.  I like its tartness and the crispiness of it.  It is delicious and is great with peanut butter as weird as that may sound.  The other benefit is that granny apples last longer than those of the red kind because they are high in acid content.  Furthermore, there are great for salads because they have that sour element that just makes it extra better with any salad dressing that you add.  This is for sure one of the fruits that you want to eat raw but you can also cook.

Cook in a Pan!

The best way to have it is to caramelize it.  This is pretty easy but does take time because you have to wait for everything to absorb into the apple slices.  The way to do it is to slice the apple up and throw it into a pan with cinnamon and butter.  When done caramelizing, you can top it on mostly any desert you like such as ice cream or yogurt.  

Now let’s look at the benefits

Most apples are rich in flavonoids but Granny Smith apples take it to a whole new level because it is loaded with it, even more than your average apple.  Just think of flavonoids as an antioxidant that helps your system fight any intruders that are harmful to your system such as those free radicals as they call it.

By fighting off these intruders your healthy cells will continue to do their job by helping you feel good and make your skin looking younger.  If you do not help your system fight this then there is long-term issues or risking your healthy cells to be damage as you age, such as the increase risk of having some sort of chronic illness.

Many people do not like the green apples not because for its flavor but for its tough skin.  What is interesting is the skin actually helps keep your teeth healthy.  If you gone camping and forgot your toothbrush and you happen to have a Smitty apple in your backpack then start chewing on its skin.  One experiment you can try while camping is adding slices into your quick oatmeal mixes.

The fibrous component of the skin helps increase the saliva production which helps decrease any bacteria that attack your gums and teeth.  You will also be less prone to cavities!

So go out to your local market and do not discriminate against the greens!