Thursday, November 10, 2016

Blisters on our feets and hands?

Blisters on toes and fingers are a typical issue faced by a lot of people.  A few reasons are likely for a blister to occur on our bodies. Among the significant dangers of having one of these is the possible infection where it starts to build up beneath the top layer of skin.  You will notice a fluid that is somewhat clear.  He can be also of a Yellowish color. 

Blisters can be full of blood, where you are able to squeezed or pinched it out.  But it is best to leave it alone depending on the type.  These other types can be formed depending on many possibilities, which will be further discussed below in this post.  Although some people believe the majority of blisters come from intense walking and wearing the wrong shoes.

Various Reasons

Here’s are some leading possible reason

Leading cause of getting such a blister is from constant contact of toes and fingers with rubbing against an object for an extended time.  An issue is working constantly with water, wearing tight shoes, or doing weights (gripping part )for long time period may give some nasty blisters on the hands or feet.

When someone walks for a long time and wear shoes that are overly tight as mentioned, you have a great chance of getting blisters.  Another name for these blisters cause by wearing tight shoes is water blisters and when it is popped can be very painful.

Other info
  • If you’re a suffer of diabetes this can cause long-term issues.
  • Occasionally, bites from mosquitoes or other biting insects can cause severe blisters especially if that person has sensitive skin or allergies to bites
  • People can be allergic to detergents or at least sensitive to it can bring about blisters around the hands
  • Burns can cause serious blisters later down the road as it is healing.
  • It can show up as well easily if you have eczema, chicken pox or herpes.

If you have a serious wound from blisters please consult a skin specialist.  The good news is that most blisters can fix themselves and are painless.

Another issue is unsanitary of the skin after exposing your skin to witness which can cause major issues to infection. 

Treatment of blisters on toes and fingers

Most of the time it is best to leave it alone and let the body he heal itself.  The top of the skin acts as a protection against further fraction.  Also we have a blood blister it will have a tendency to treat itself.  Understand it can be contagious if you pop it and let liquid inside interact with another wound.  Be careful when the blister has a green or yellowish colour to it.  You will notice that when you do have one it will become clear and red around the skin area.  If it is a minor blister it is best to empty it.

We get most of it on the hands and feet but the good news is that we can cover it.  If you’re using a Band-Aid make sure apply loosely in the initial stage.  Also try to switch shoes that are not tight if it is on your toes or heal.  If you’re willing to treat your wound and make sure to wash her hands with soap because the liquid of the blister is very contagious.  If you pop it make sure to sterilize the needle.  You can sterilize it by using soap or water or even better rubbing alcohol with a fire.  Pick the needle and puncture the area or middle of the blister and let the liquid run out by squeezing it to help it.  Make sure you clean the wound with the necessary Polysporin or rubbing alcohol.

If it so happens that the blister breaks on its own, then do not remove or play with the skin around it.  Just leave it alone and tried to put protected.  Next up is to apply any type of ointments that is antibiotic.  This will prevent any possible infection from the open wound.

The danger is that it can be contaminated especially not cleaned well and it gets really bad then contact a dermatologists for help help.

 Don't make an effort to treat it by yourself if you’re diabetic please consult a specialist in that area.